New Jersey Moves To Support Medical Marijuana Bill In US Congress

CMMNJ signs

Medical marijuana press conference in Trenton

5/26/2011 – State Senator Nicholas Scutari (D-Linden) introduced SCR 120 today, a resolution that “Urges the Governor to support and advocate for passage of federal ‘Medical Marijuana Patient Protection Act.’” The move in Trenton comes just one day after the federal legislation was re-introduced in Congress.

The bi-partisan co-sponsors of the federal bill issued a press release on May 25th describing the intent:

The States’ Medical Marijuana Patient Protection Act, authored by Frank and co-sponsored by Stark, Polis and Rohrabacher, would make individuals and entities immune to federal prosecution when acting in compliance with state medical marijuana laws. It would also direct the administration to initiate the process of rescheduling marijuana under the Controlled Substances Act so that it is placed in a schedule other than Schedules I or II.

“The time has come for the federal government to stop preempting states’ medical marijuana laws,” Frank said. “For the federal government to come in and supersede state law is a real mistake for those in pain for whom nothing else seems to work. This bill would block the federal prosecution of those patients who reside in those states that allow medical marijuana”

If passed, the federal legislation would directly benefit New Jersey’s residents who are still waiting for the stalled medical marijuana program to get running. The state is currently waiting for clarification from the US Department of Justice.

SCR 120 has been referred to the Senate Health, Human Services and Senior Citizens Committee.

Individual citizens can support the federal bill by sending emails here.

Chris Goldstein is a respected marijuana reform advocate. As a writer and radio broadcaster he has been covering cannabis news for over a decade. Questions?  [email protected]

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